Saturday, May 24, 2014

Malachi...did you ever read it?


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Duccio Di Buoninsegna, The Prophet Malachi
Okay...okay...I know I have been missing for quite some time...but I will try to force myself to make a come-back...I have missed not being here!  Blessings to you all and maybe I will tell you what I have been up to for the last months!

5/21/14 I have been doing some reading in Malachi lately, and this is quite a fascinating little book , just at the end of the Olde Testament. It is actually a bit on the depressing side, at least at first. In the first 14 verses of the first chapter, all you read is how disappointed God is with His people.

But His infinite wisdom is trying to teach us something! God wants only our best! God wants us to only give our best to Him and to each other. manage your family better, manage your budget better...You get the point!

If you are doing something that is robbing some part of your time or finances or life, so that you are unable to give your best to the Lord....change it!

5/22/14 I want to go back over Chapter 1: 14 (Malachi), "But cursed be the deceiver." I really want to look closely at this verse...are you a deceiver? Or perhaps I spend time doing something that I like, for me this would be, spending to much time crocheting or knitting, or reading, instead of cleaning, or preparing dinner or sitting down and paying my bills....
Or lets think about work, do you (I) play solitaire on the computer, rather than filing, or do you read a book on your smart phone instead of posting invoices? Or something of similar to this...if you do things of this nature you are being a deceiver. And what is really sad is that you may think that you (I) are getting away with this, But God, sees everything and probably so does your boss. This is an easy fix, and one that you (I) can take care of quickly. Stop being a deceiver and start doing what you are supposed to be doing and don't let these lousy decisions stand in your (my) way of receiving the rich blessings the Lord has just waiting for us.
It really is true! We can be our own worst enemies.
Do you really want to keep reading...well this next part might just spook you a bit, but keep on to Chapter 2: 2...ask yourself again if you really want to be a deceiver?

5/23/14 Do we really want to go down this road? If we live as deceivers, we are bring curses onto our children and our children's children. Now I am going to ask you to do something a bit difficult...are you ready?
Go and look at your little ones, or pictures of your children and/or your grandchildren. Do you love them? I certainly hope the answer is, "yes, of course I do!" Well if that is truly the case, live your life with out deceit, just get rid of it! Make the changes that are necessary to live in such a way that you are not bringing curses onto the heads of your children and your grand children and yourself as well. These are your descendants!
The Lord made a covenant with Levi and the Levites, they were given the privilege of serving in the tabernacle. And they blew it! They transgressed, they didn't live according to the will of God. And God did get there attention. He's really good at that. And if you are not walking really closely with God you might not realize who is knocking at your door...just wait...God is really patient. When we live our lives according to our will rather than the Fathers, the Father will get our attention. But it is up to us (remember, free will) to change our ways and to come to the Lord and live for Him rather than for ourselves
So if you are seeing your life in the toilet, perhaps you need to look at how you are living and the choices that you have been making...And please, please, please realize that only you, with the help of the Father, can change the direction that you may be speeding towards. And don't forget you are not just taking yourself down this road, but also your descendants.
Don't believe me! Read the book of can turn things around with God's, don't try, DO!