Monday, November 4, 2013

A Study of 1 Corinthians, Chapters 5 and 6

Isn't today an amazing day.  A wonderful day that is a gift to us from our Daddy in heaven.  So don't just lounge about, do something that marks the amazing beauty of this day.  What ever it may be, give God the glory that is due him.

Alright, now to the point, I have recently been asked by someone very dear to me, to read over ! Corinthians Chapters 5 and 6...are any of you out there familiar with the contents of these two chapters? Well perhaps the best thing would be to read them in their entirety.  So let's go do that first thing....
1 Corinthians Chapter 5  and after you have read this one, then read this one...1 Corinthians Chapter 6, Okay I can not make it any easier than that now can I.  I am also going to be using an amazing site that has helped me to understand what I read in the Bible in view of my relationship with the Trinity, and that would be Enduring Word (1 Corin. 5) and Enduring Word (1 Corin. 6)

We are now good to go!   So Go Dog Gog...I am not really calling you all dogs, I just have a bunch of grandchildren!

1 Corinthians Chapter 5

Do you have children as I do?  Are those children born again? Well let me tell you right now, this isn't a "fun" study.  It is in fact a very sad study for me.  Paul tells us in this chapter that if there is someone in the church, and understand that by in the church, Paul's referring to those people who are born again.  Those people who have accepted Christ as there personal Savior.  If these people are living there lives in such away that is not acceptable by Christ, we, the rest of the body of Christ are to turn away from them.  Now I know that there are those of you out there that are going to say, we aren't to judge each other....well...according to Paul this is in fact a sense...we are to judge only those who profess to be fellow believers and are living openly in sin and this is to be done as a response to there behavior and as a form of correction.  Let me ask you...If you believe in me, and have accepted what I did for you on the cross, to be your accepted sacrifice, why would you live in such a way that can bring harm to you...I as your Father have not told you to live in such a way that will harm you, I have asked you to live in this way for your happiness and for your health. 

Any good parent will tell his child to behave in a safe way rather than in a harmful way...God designed us to have one mate...I blew that, and I am sad to say that there are some of my children who are also walking that same path....My one child says to me, but mom I don't want to get divorced and remarried and divorced...and on and on...what this child doesn't understand is this, by living with one person and breaking up, and living with another person, and breaking up, and living with another....the only difference, only difference is a legal piece of my mind.  When you have had sex with someone you are committing yourself to that relationship, without the blessing of God (SO HOW CAN IT ULTIMATELY BE GOOD?) as in a marriage ceremony, and without the benefit of a legal ceremony of the government as in a civil ceremony.  Okay so you have saved a little bit of money, you didn't have to pay a get to set up housekeeping and live a life of what, cant be joy, God's not in it!   Proverbs 28: 20 A faithful man will abound with blessings, But he who makes haste to be rich will not go unpunished.  So living in a sinful manner you will be punished, how will you be punished, hmmm, could be HPV, that's pretty common these days, and frequently comes from having sex with multiple people, there are all kinds of sexually transmitted disease, but here's the biggest one, how about separation from the Father....Or separation from fellow Christians.  That is the prescribed punishment, right out of the Bible.  Okay parents, Christian parents of believing children, this is what is prescribed straight out of the Bible....I know.....this is me this what I am supposed to do?   I will keep studying...and we still have to get thru 1 Corinthians Chapter 6.  But for today we have gotten thru the crux of Chapter 5, and frankly, it is very cut and dried.. I have read and reread this chapter, I have read the commentary on chapter 5 from Enduring Word...and it is pretty clear....So read and study...and please give me some feedback...if you cant tell...I really do not want turn my back on some fellow believers who aren't walking in the prescribed manner...

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