Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Well all we are going to take a step in a different direction for just a little bit.
Come along on my journey with Loving God Greatly...

   Rebecca K. Smith


Dear God,

This morning I am studying a small portion of your word.  I am doing this with an organization call LGG or Loving God (you) Greatly. 

This morning we are looking at John 18:10; 13:5-9 and we are soaping John 13:8-9.
This portion of scripture deals with the relationship that your wonderful son Jesus, had with His disciples. You know God I can see everyday relationship in this light.  That is what you have been trying to teach us.

S-John 13:8-9 Peter saith unto him, Thou shalt never wash my feet.  Jesus answered him, If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me.  Simon Peter saith unto him, Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head. 

O-Jesus is speaking directly to Peter, of that we are sure, however, everyone else is also there and hearing the conversation. Meaning that while Christ is speaking directly to Peter, what is being said, all will learn from should they choose to learn this.

A- When I was younger I was tired of always fighting with my Dad about him not wanting to have gifts.  For his birthday, for Christmas, for Father’s Day, whatever the occasion might be.  And it was tiresome!  Finally, one day I said to him, “You know Daddy, we all need to be as gracious in receiving as we are in giving.”  He enjoyed giving but I believe it was to humbling for him to receive. And he had a hard time biting that bullet.  But he has.

P- Father help me to be gracious. Father help me to be a part of you always.  Father help me to always appreciate the words you have here for us to learn from.  God, you are so good to us all the time and we just don’t see it as often as we should.  You are always there and always watching over us.  Help us to see this and appreciate you and love you as to the best of our abilities and then some…Walk with me today and constantly be on my mind and in my heart.  In your precious name, I ask these things.  Amen

Warm regards,

 R. K. Smith

    Rebecca K. Smith


Dear God,

God your book is so amazing! And now with the technology we have we can take you with us all the time.  Thank you for this God.  Help me always to be a blessing to you and to others and to do so with grace and not mumbling or murmurings under my breath.

Thank you, Father, for all you do for us on a constant basis.

Today Lord, I am looking at Luke 5: 1-11 and I will SOAP verses 10 and 11.

I am sure if we all think a little bit we can remember this story.  It’s about Jesus talking to the multitudes, but He did it from a boat.  Jesus was so smart He knew that if He spoke to the crowd from on the lake that His voice would carry out and up to them.  He was standing in a well-built (by God) arena.  Great acoustics.

Plus, Jesus was in the beginning stages of picking His disciples. He shows us how doubtful we can be.  He says to Simon, “Let’s go out a little further and put out your nets.” And Simon says, “Hey we have worked hard all night and caught nothing and you want us to do it again…well okay.” We all remember what happens next! Simon did as Jesus asked and when they were bringing up their nets they were starting to rip, (that’s a lot of work, repairing those nets) so Simon called to his partners to come and help, they filled both boats…. but wait, here’s the best part….

Simon Peter says to Jesus, “Leave me, I am not worthy of you, I am a sinful man.”  He knows he doubted Jesus and he shouldn’t have.  Hmm…that sounds like me at times.

Simon, and James, and John were like me, where like us. But they did put down their nets and follow Jesus.  What is it that Jesus is calling us to put down to come and follow Him.  Or maybe He wants you right where you are and still follow Him.  Something to think about.

S- Okay now for my SOAP: Luke 5:10-11 And so was also James, and John, the sons of Zebedee, which were partners with Simon. And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men.
11 And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and followed him.
O- Can you imagine?  Jesus didn’t need to order them, to drop what they were doing, they just knew that this was going to be their path.  Jesus told them, they were going to catch men from that time on. And they knew it was the truth.
A- So how can we apply this to our daily lives.  Listen, listen to that still and small voice that you hear in your mind or read on a sign. Or hear repeated several times from others.  Just listen, pay attention.
P-Father open my ears that I may hear, open my eyes that I might see, let me use all the senses that you have given to me that I may hear and feel your presence always.  I really want to hear you and I want to be your hands and feet to do the things that you would have me do.

Thank you, Father,

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