Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Happy Easter

Today is Restoration Day.   2019
Think about it, God devised a plan for each and every one of us.  A plan to attain eternal life, with Him, in heaven.
What an amazing place to spend life eternal?  Do you know the streets are paved with gold?  Now there may be some of you who are reading this and thinking some different thoughts, but for those of us who love the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, what could be better?
But I digress...let's get back to this day, this day of restoration.  Thank you Father for this amazing day....this is the day that the Father in heaven prepared for us, to be able to come back to Him.  So that we might have an eternal life filled with Glory rather than anguish.
As some of you may know I have moved to Florida, my earthly father is down here and I wanted to be closer to him.  Now we may not be living in each other's hip pocket, we are still closer in proximity than we were.  He has a good life and a wonderful girlfriend and I really don't want to intrude on that, I just want to be a bit closer than an 18-hour drive.
So I moved.

Happy Easter a year later. 2020
A Pandemic Easter
Easter at home watching a video of our church service.  How different was that?
Very different! Up and had coffee and took some notes during the service. I made a few phone calls to family and friends, wishing all a very happy Easter.  Our pastor, Pastor Kevin, a really kind and considerate pastor who doesn't pussyfoot.  If you ask him a question, be ready for the answer.  It may not always be what you want to hear, but it will be a biblically accurate answer. I am sure you all know the Easter story.  So what is Easter really about?  It's about the resurrection of Christ, our redemption story.  You might read this and think, "Easter isn't my redemption story." I beg to differ...this redemption gift, if you would, is a gift that is there for each and every one of us.  It's just sitting there, perhaps on a shelf, or in the garage, or maybe right next to your easy chair.  All you have to do is open it!

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