Thursday, January 31, 2013

Daniel 11 verse 6 on...

Yesterday I said that there would be a wedding coming up...well verse 6 speaks of some years going by and that the king of the north had gotten quite powerful and that a daughter of the king of the south went to the king of the north and they had an arrangement of sort between the families....I have to do some reading in the commentaries.....the number of years that went by was 130 years.  In our time frame, that is quite a few years.  But I do feel better, I was thinking a brother and a sister getting married, but that was NOT the case.  

Okay so there  has been this marriage to bring the north and the south together, but this didn't last.  Once the father of the bride passed away, his name was Ptolemy II,  things fell apart!  The king of the north, named Antiochus, decide he would rather be with his first wife named Laodice, and he put his wife #2, Bernice, away.  Now he may have been happy for a short period of time but Laodice didn't trust her husband....that's not good.  Really not good, this lady was vicious, she had her husband poisoned. And then she went to work on Bernice and her entourage, and Bernice's infant son.  They were all murdered.  
"She shall be given up, with those that brought her, and with him who begot her, and with him who strengthened her in those times." This is from the Bible, Daniel 11: 6b.
Bernice's brother, Ptolemy III, did avenge his sister's death and the bible says ,"But from a branch of her (Bernice's) roots one shall arise (Bernice's brother), in his place, who shall come with an army, enter the fortress of the king (Seclecus II) of the north, and deal with them and prevail.". Well there was quiet in the kingdoms for a time, until Ptolemy III died, and he lived for four more years then did Seclecus II. 

This must have been a terribly sad time to be alive.  There was so much killing.  And to think that this was all prophecy, given to Daniel by God.  Now granted Daniel did need a little help in understanding this, and isn't it awesome that God sent someone to help Daniel with his understanding of all this information. 

Tomorrow I am going to finish up Daniel 11, even though we have only gotten thru verse 11. We will finish 11 tomorrow.  So today you really need to bless someone, even, if it is just sitting quietly at your desk, for a few moments and praying for a co-worker.  They do not need to know you are praying for them.  But God will hear you, and listen to your concerns for them.  That's what really counts anyway!

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