Friday, February 1, 2013

The conclusion of Daniel 11, from verse 11 on.....

Good day to you all....I know it is 8:16. AM. I am on sort of little vacation so I slept in for just a little husband said I would sleep till eight but I only slept till here I am, enjoying this wonderful daysittng in my rocking chair facing the wonderful warmth of the sun that is streaming in the windows as I write to the precious few of you who read this blog. 
Do you see all the wonderful sunlight on my face.  God is so good to His children.  My husband Tim is also enjoying this day with me and he will be going out to the back pasture to cut firewood.  Even though the wind is blowing quite strongly and it is a brisk 22 degrees right now....brrrrrr.... that's chilly.  It probably feels more like 10 degrees with the wind chill.  Okay we have established it is sunny and cold let us proceed to Daniel....

The Holy Land goes back and forth again.  The southern king attacked the northern king and the south prevailed.  
Let us identify the north and the south.  The north is Greece and the south is Egypt.  So then Greece attacks Egypt and this time the Jewish people help the Greeks, and the Greeks do prevail, but they want to be in control of the Holy Land not the Jewish people.  So Antichous III used his dominance over the Jewish people as well, which I am sure wasn't pleasant for Gods chosen people..."11: 16 b He shall stand in the Glorious Land with destruction in his power (hand)."

Well Antichous wanted to firm up his relationship with Ptolemy V, so he gave his daughter, Cleopatra (this is an ancestor of famous Cleopatra's) to Ptolemy V.  However this did work well because Cleopatra wasn't faithful to her new husband.  

To make a long story short Antichous wasn't really happy with his daughter and he turned to enlarging his territory with coastline, he battled his away to a point were he was low on money and decided to pillage a temple in Babylon and he was killed by the people there in the community that were quite upset by his behavior. Daniel 11: 19 Then he shall turn his face toward the fortress of his own land, but he shall stumble and fall, and not be found.

Do you know when I first started on Daniel 11 I had no idea how deep this chapter was and is.....Seleucus III becomes king for a short period of time with high taxes, I suppose he wanted to refill the cookie jar. He didn't last very long he was assassinated, perhaps by his brother Antichous IV, who was next for the throne, and is described as "a vile person."

He went to war with the Egyptians again and did nothing, except he got angry; he turned his anger on the Holy Land and ended up killing approximately 80,000 Jews, he took approximately 40,000 prisoners, and sold approximately another 40,000 into slavery, he then robbed the temple of approximately one billion dollars. After doing this evil in what we call Israel he then returns to his own country of Greece....this takes us up to verse 29...and from verse 29 on to the end of this chapter, it seems to me that the end times is the topic of conversation.  And this gets quite deep.  I would really suggest that you read this and come to your own conclusions. I would also strongly suggest that you read this along with a commentary of good standing.

Well since this is my day off and I have a bunch of other things to accomplish.  I had better get to them, don't forget to be a blessing to someone today, perhaps even a stranger.

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