Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Ezra Chapter 9...some sadness...

Ezra 9 is a chapter so full of sadness, trespass, transgressions, iniquities, filthiness, and uncleanness.  After Ezra and the priest's had take care of everything that was taken care of in Chapter 8, it was now time to get down to the nitty gritty...and the nitty gritty was horrific to Ezra.

I must have listened to a sermon at some time in the past on this particular chapter, and it must have been some very sever teaching because I have the following things underlined in my Bible, and they are underlined in red...have not separated themselves, trespass-three times, transgression, iniquities-two times, filthiness, unclean land, uncleanness, give not (your sons or daughters), neither take (their sons or daughters), nor seek (their peace or wealth), "that ye may be strong, and eat the good of the land, and leave it for an inheritance to your children forever."

This entire chapter is about the things that the Jewish people have done and how they have defiled themselves and their God.

When Ezra heard of these things he tore his garments, plucked off the hair of his head and his beard (can you imagine how much this would have hurt...ladies we pluck our eyebrows, and let's face it, the occasional stray hair on our chins, you laugh young ones...just wait, and men just imagine plucking your beards...) after Ezra had done this he knelt  down (before God) he put his hands in the air...basically saying my God, what have they done?  Ezra's laments were so filled with sadness for his people to God!  The people had really made a lot of mistakes, and did Ezra feel they could come back from them?  I believe he felt they could....but can you imagine the amount of time and effort it would take.  It was going to take years.

The people had intermarried, they had done this out of making alliances, to prevent fights, not battles, but little feuds, and in doing this they had relaxed some of their innate promises to God.  They had really compromised their way of life.  What have you compromised?

Ezra was so sad for his reading verse 6 thru 9, poor Ezra sounds as if he is drowning in his utter sadness...he sounds so completely lost and sad.  Then in verse 10, Ezra is crying out to God, you have watched us come out of our exile, we were slaves and you watched us become free, you caused us to become free...and now look how we have repaid you....we have been punished so much less than we deserve.  In other words they deserve much more and much stronger a punishment than they received.  But not to worry, these people are in for a very long struggle until they repair the damage that the have wrought on themselves.  Ezra continues in prayer and in supplications before God and he does so on his knees because he doesn't feel adequate enough to stand before God.   Ezra must have been so completely dismayed.  I can't even imagine.

As you digest this reading for today, do not stay mired in your sins, ask for forgiveness from our intercessor, Jesus, and practice being a blessing to those you come into contact this day....

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