Monday, February 4, 2013

Satan's Opposite...

We are just about thru the first thing I was reading in Daniel 12, and in the commentary I am using was that the archangel Micheal was in spiritual battle with satan...and satan is Michael's opposite.  Now I know I didn't capitalize the name of satan, however I do not wish to give him that recognition, to me he doesn't deserve it.

Okay so Michael is looking to be in spiritual battle.  And again I do not beleive that the Bible is speaking of Daniels time I do believe that the discussion is pertaining to the end times....if you read verses Ia thru 3 you will see that the wording is very similar to  those found in Revelations 13: 8, 17: 8, and 20: 15, 20.  So in reading this I do believe that Daniel's revelation/prophecy has to do with times that are yet to be seen.

The one thing we must all realize is satan hates, and this is putting it mildly, the Jewish people.  These are Gods chosen people, we are told this in the Bible, and since we are all descendants from Adam and Eve, we are all of Hebrew descent,  I know I have a habit of simplifying things down to the nitty gritty. So what is wrong with that.  We are all Hebrews, I wonder if our President is aware of this?  

Daniel continues in verse 4, Michael is instructing Daniel that he is to shut up the words for a time when they will be needed and to seal up the book until end times.  At which point the Book of Life will be opened and the names of the saints will be read.  Is your name in the Lambs Book?

We have only gotten thru to Daniel 12 verse 4 and as in some of the previous chapters I am finding things to be getting quite deep...a lot of reading back and forth to get a handle on what is being said to me.  Please remember my son is the Bible scholar not his mother.  So it is time for me to end for today and we will make an attempt to finish this book of Daniel tomorrow morning, so go and be a blessing!

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