Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Ezra Chapter 1 first 4 verses....

When I was bit younger, approximately 21 years ago, I was pregnant with my third and last child.  23 years ago, I had my son Samuel, and when we got pregnant again, for some reason we felt sure we were having another boy...and we called this child Ezra for nine months.  Well Ezra turned into Ruth.  But I realized that I had never really looked at the book of Ezra, please don't miss interpret this, I have read it in full and I have read parts of it.  And perhaps in reading parts I understood those little portions...but I have never really studied the entire book.  So that is what we will do.

In the very first four verses Ezra writes about Cyrus, King of Persia, forming and reading a decree....The decree was about building a house for the Lord in Jerusalem in Judah, as well as allowing the exiled Jewish people that were not living in their home lands, to return to their home country.  That must have been an awesome time to be alive. This is basically what this book is about...the pioneers of Israel and the writer of this book, Ezra, who doesn't show up until we get to Chapter 7.  

So now we have an idea what this book is about, and what is really neat is that some of this book is living out the prophecy's in Daniel... With this book being largely about the return of the exiled people returning to their home land,  why more didn't move back is a bit of a mystery, they must have been happy where the were...I don't know about you all, but I would have thought they all would have jumped at the chance to return...but they all did not.  But, and this is my thought alone, perhaps the Jews that did return, were the more refined Jews.  And by this I mean, we are all refined by the refiners fire..I am not speaking of the other kind of refined, I am simply speaking of those Jews who were refined by the Lord.  Those Jews who perhaps had been thru some more difficult times, they are the ones who may have been more interested in returning to their roots.  The ones who were comfortable in their current surroundings, would probably be more inclined to stay in their comfortable surroundings.   This makes sense to me, does it to you? Like that pair of really comfortable pair of sneakers or slippers...that look kinda of ratty, but you just can't bring yourself to dispose of them...they have been thru a lot with you..they have been tried by life and have prevailed.  Well we will have to pick up here tomorrow.  

So I pray you all have a blessed day and that you all spend some time with the Lord.

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