Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What has Been Happening....

Well it has been a while since I have had the opportunity to just visit with you have you all been doing?  Tim and I have been awesome!  I really think that this Daniel Fast has been a wonderful for thing for Tim and I to do and to do as a couple.  And even now we are still eating some of the wonderful things that we learned about by our oatmeal with apple pie spices and blueberries and coconut oil.  Mm mm yummy! And there was something else we came up with and that is brown rice pasta with sauteed leeks, zucchini and yellow summer squash, sauteed in olive oil and when it is almost finished I added about a half a box of organic vegetable stock.  Then just mix it up with the pasta...what an awesome dinner, lunch or whatever.  Since we have finished the fast I made this the other night and after the pasta was cooked I tossed it with some raw mixed up egg, the egg cooks around the hot pasta, the I poured over the vegetables mixed it up and sprinkled on some Parmesan cheese.  This was really good.

This pot of veggies will cook down to about half that amount.  A little bit of quick chopping and you are good to go...and the really fun thing is you can really get creative, I would add mushrooms, but my dear husband does not care for them.  And he has difficulty with onions, but he can and does enjoy the leeks.

One of the other things we have recently done was to go and visit a friend of mine who helps out with a clothes closet at her church.  The drive was beautiful and I was really sorry that I hadn't brought my camera.  We had a very nice visit and got to meet some of the other women there as well.  Deborah is an awesome and giving women that I really enjoy spending time with.  Have you ever meet someone and thought to yourself that you would really like to cultivate a friendship with that person?  If you have you should do it!  The only way things like this occur is if you do it!  

And I don't know about you but I believe it is a good thing to consider wisely who it is that you choose to spend time with and who you choose to have as your friends.  And I know there are probably a lot of younger people out there who are thinking, "You don't choose your friends!"  I beg to differ, you do!  Whether consciously or subconsciously, you do.  Even if you know down deep that someone who parties a lot could be trouble, that down deep thought is the one that you should listen to, because that is your conscious and that is God speaking to you, and you really don't want to ignore God!  He will get your attention, one way or the beware and be warned!

Alright back to the lovely drive, I am going to have to try to recreate that little drive and this time I will be taking my camera with us.  Since Tim paints, sometimes the pictures get turned into paintings, we make a really great team.  And we love spending time together.  Isn't that great!  We think so!

Well it is time for me to get my breakfast and then hit the showers.  Soon time to get to work.  And I am thinking about working thru another book of the Bible, I just haven't decided which one...I will let you know when I know!  God bless you and be a blessing to someone yourself today!

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