A photo of the water with a boat or two for my husband. I like to take pictures for my husband, he will sometimes paint them and they turn out beautifully. |
Have you ever heard anyone say to you, perhaps your children, what does it matter if my elbow is on the table? Or why should I have to say excuse me when I belch? Or why do I have to say thank you, or why must I acknowledge a handshake?
There are plethoras of question we as parents or grandparents, are asked on a daily basis concerning being polite or concerning etiquette, and I would like to know how do you as parents handle these questions? It is not enough to say, because I said so!
I was asked these questions by my children as they were growing up and I always told them that whether we like it or not we are judged by others and it is advisable to behave appropriately.
Let us first have an understanding of what being polite is first of all.
Definition of POLITE
1 a : of, relating to, or having the characteristics of advanced culture
b : marked by refined cultural interests and pursuits especially in arts and belles lettres
2 a : showing or characterized by correct social usage
b : marked by an appearance of consideration, tact, deference, or courtesy
c : marked by a lack of roughness or crudities <polite literature>
Now we should look at etiquette.
Definition of ETIQUETTE
: the conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life
We used to think that if a child behaves poorly when in public, they more than likely behave poorly at home. So doesn’t the reverse hold true as well. I believe for the most part it does. I don’t like to judge people or children, but let’s face it; in all honesty, poor behavior is noticed while good behavior is not. Although when there is an opportunity to compare the two, very blatantly staring you in the face it is somewhat difficult to not see it!
I know that it says very plainly in the Bible that we are not to judge. And this is a constant work in process for me as I am sure that it is for most of us if we are but honest.
Having “good manners,” or “being polite,” is not a bad thing; I think it is a kind thing. So perhaps we might practice being more kind. It is okay for us to hold a door for someone else, just as it is okay for them to say, “Thank you,” or not. I will guarantee that if you decide to practice being polite and someone doesn’t say Thank you, for holding the door for them, you will notice. Just try it. And in practicing to be more kind we will in affect be more polite. And have better etiquette.
What does it hurt us to sit at the table and not put our elbows on the table. Really? Next time you are at the food court, look around, don’t stare mind you...just look around a bit. What do you see?
Okay let me ask you this, do you want to be a humble person or a flamboyant person? Generally I think that a less inhibited, and more flamboyant person will probably be a less caring person. Now mind you this is a generalization only.
I can see that if you are a performer it may be better to be somewhat flamboyant, but generally speaking I would rather be humble of spirit and demeanor. And I am not on a stage performing either. An actor is going for an affect also, not necessarily, a typical behavior. When they are off the stage they are probably not as noticeable as when they are on the stage.
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The Performer |
So why not leave a comment and let me know your thoughts on this. I promise it won’t hurt you a bit, just please remember to be polite…oh and while your at it, don’t forget to be a blessing to someone today. And if you are a blessing to someone today you will also be being kind. So look at that, you can do two things at once!
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