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A day of celebration for Levi and his parents, Samuel and Mary, with Mary's Grandparents, and Levi's Great grandparents, Clarence and Mary. |
6:4 Listen, Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord is one! 5 You must love the Lord your God with your whole mind, your whole being, and all your strength. 6 These words I am commanding you today must be kept in mind, 7 and you must teach them to your children and speak of them as you sit in your house, as you walk along the road, as you lie down, and as you get up.
I have been to service's before where a baby or babies are dedicated to the Lord, but I have to say that the pastor from Samuel and Mary's church seemed to really know each of the family's quite intimately. He knew of the children and the surrounding circumstance's of each child's presence there, it was really quite wonderful.
Their pastor charged each one of the family's with the responsibility of teaching their particular child all the attributes of our Heavenly Father, and this responsibility while it lies primarily with the parents it also includes the grandparents and the great grandparents and the aunts and uncles as well.
Proverbs 17:6
17:6 Grandchildren are like a crown to the elderly, and the glory of children is their parents.
What a blessing our children are to us as parents, while they do not all follow the same route, they are still blessings to us in their individual ways. When I look at this particular little family I receive amazing blessings.
Mary is from a wonderful family in Rhode Island. her parents are both very Godly people, they care a great deal for those that the Lord puts in their paths. And Samuel well, you are learning about his history everyday by reading this blog...However did you ever notice that when certain people are together they either bring out the very best in each other or they bring out the worst in each other...I have experience with both of these circumstances and I can tell you unequivocally that Samuel and Mary bring out the very best in each other. I don't know that I have met many other couples that love their Heavenly Father as much as these two do...I am not saying that they know it all about God, but with the love that they have and the desires that they have for the Lord they will not stagnate. They will continue to grow and love the Lord always. And they will teach their children as well.
I am extremely blessed to know these two fine young people, who have chosen a certain path for themselves as well as for their family. And I believe this child of theirs will receive the instruction he should receive. Samuel and Mary wont take their promise lightly. They will do as they promised, it may not always be the simplest path, but I as one of the parents know that they will do their absolute best.
And now it is time for me to go and get ready for my day but first I must admonish all who are reading this to go and be a blessing to someone today, and to do this with all humility.
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