Monday, October 22, 2012

Do You Ever Complain?

Checking things out on the farm.
 First of all do you understand what it is to complain?

1: to express grief, pain, or discontent <complaining about the weather>

Yesterday in church the pastor who was preaching made this statement, “Complaining is the anointing of the devil, so if you want to elevate the devil, complain, and be a pain.”

All right now do we all understand what anointing is?
1: to smear or rub with oil or an oily substance
2 a: to apply oil to as a sacred rite especially for consecration
b: to choose by or as if by divine election; also : to designate as if by a ritual anointment <critics anointed the author as the bright new talent>

We are looking at 2b, in this particular instance.

First of all this particular statement caught my ear, because I don’t care much for complaining, I find it to be quite annoying.  Infact you might call it a pet peeve of mine.  I have always thought this way.  If you have a headache, go and take and aspirin or, a Tylenol, or what ever it is that you take, because complaining isn’t going to help your headache to go away.  And now that I have heard what Pastor Rick had to say, I do understand better why I have never liked complaining.  It is also a very negative behavior.  I may have done some negative things in my time, but I would have to say that that is not a part of my personality.  In fact I have to say I am a half full type of personality rather then a half empty.  How about you?

Do you look at things from a positive perspective or negative?
God = positive, and the devil = negative.

I think if you are a person who spends a lot of time complaining you are inviting hardship, dissatisfaction, and sadness into your life.  And I do not believe that those are things that we as Christians should want in our lives (this is what the devil wants for us).  What kind of example are we displaying to the world if all we do is complain, or even if we do it just a little bit, I can guarantee that those who are around you will see the complaining a lot faster then they will see all the good stuff that you do.  I think this is human nature to pick up on the bad, and it is also a habit that we can pick up if we ourselves aren’t careful.  It is very easy to see the bad and not even look at the good.  I really would rather look for the good in a person, but even I at times do struggle with this. (This is my Eve nature, showing its’ ugly little head!)

Alright who do you want to spend time anointing, God or the devil?  Well I for one will not spend time anointing the devil especially now that I have a much better understanding of what complaining really is….I am not going to do this!

I want to spend my time and my life glorifying God and not singing praises to the devil. 

God is so good to me and my family; I really don’t want to give any accolades to that other critter.  And I will no longer even mention his name.

If you think about this in the bigger picture, would you really rather spend time around positive or negative people?  Well I know what the answer is for me.  How about you?  When we think of a kind and loving and Godly person, do we ever consider that a complaining nature is part of their make up?  I don’t, that thought wouldn’t even enter my thoughts, those two natures do not go together at all, do they. 

Even my dog Louis is smiling and positive!

So today take a look at your nature and if you find yourself being negative and/or complaining about things…stop for a long moment if need be and resolve to stop being this way.  I so believe that you will find it quite difficult to be a blessing to someone while being negative.  So go and be positive and be a blessing.

Okay Pastor Rick I have expounded on one little statement that you made, that made a huge impact on me, and I thank you for this!

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