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The Smiths in about 2008 (I think Michael is about two in this picture) |
Boy oh Boy do I need to update this picture! We are missing two wives and four babies, three boys and a girl, wow what a lot has occurred in four to five years!
Every year around Thanksgiving and around Christmas we all get together. We don’t usually get together on the assigned days, because my husband Tim and I don’t want to share. We want the children and grandchildren all to ourselves and in doing our celebration in this manner that is what we have and it is wonderful.
I must say that I have a wonderful family, great sons and great daughters, and great grandchildren. And yes in this house we do love our children and we love them unconditionally, but mind you there are times when our patience is tried. This doesn’t mean we love the naughty one any less; it might just put us in a thoughtful mood.
Do you ever think about how much God loves us? This thought is like comprehending the highest number! Can we comprehend this? I am not sure that I can, however we here in this wonderful country of the United States of America are being tested in our abilities to understand high numbers, I know that our country’s debt is in the trillions…Let’s see that’s 1,000,000,000,000. Ya know that is a lot of zeros’. But anyway that aside, God loves us more than even this.
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This painting is titled the Sheperd and His Sheep. And believe me the original is much nicer than this photograph. |
Now I want you to read this next paragraph, and then I would ask that you sit quietly and clothes your eyes and just consider what you have read.
God’s possible thoughts:
“Oh these last few years have been terrible, I know that I created these people, and all was well until that miserable snake tempted Eve. Why did I give them free will? Oh, I remember, I want them to choose to love me, and I want them to choose to love me unconditionally. Even if they have a really, really bad day, I want them to love me anyway, they need to understand that I am not the author of bad things. I know that they are offering sacrifices to me from their store houses and from their flocks, but it doesn’t seem to be enough anymore. I have already destroyed the earth’s population once and I can’t do it again, I have promised to not do this.”
Some years passed, but remember for God, this is as a blink of the eye!
“I will have a Son, I have Mary and Joseph who are betrothed they will make exceptional parents.”
Another 30 years passed and Jesus, Gods own Son, grew into a wonderful young man.
“Jesus is the perfect Son, and oh how I don’t want to do this, but I must, and when all is said and done He will be here with Me in Heaven. My people must know how much I love them. They should be able to realize my love, when I am sacrificing my one and only Son for them to have forgiveness. I know all will not turn to Me, but I am confident that there will be those who love me, and that will accept Christ Jesus as their Savior and as the sacrifice for their sins…..This is what must be done.
Now let me ask you again, do you realize how much God loves you? And do you really love your children.
I really hope that as I sit here and write this blog that there are some out there who know that this is a mission effort for me. I want people to be the best people they can be. I want you to love your children and your spouses the way that God wants us to. I want us to treat our children and our spouses with love and affection and kindness, I try to do this, and I hope that you do as well.
You know it…..go be a blessing to someone today.
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