Helping Pappy |
This was a portion of my weekend. My son Tim and his wonderful wife Celeste wanted to go car shopping and asked if we could keep these two wonderful grandchildren of their's...of course we said yes.
It is really pleasant to be around children who are respectful, don't you think.. These two little guys helped their Pappy to load up wood in the little wagon and then transfer it to the wood rack outside of the kitchen, so that it is handy and easy to get when we need it. They were a wonderful help. And of course Mam-Maw helped too by manning the camera.
And when they were finished helping Pappy, they helped Mam Maw to feed and tend to the goats. And those pictures are on a camera that is not working with me this morning.But we took the boys, all of them for a walk down to the creek; we are truly blessed to have the Bermudian Creek running not to far from where we live. So since Mr. Louis (the dog) showed up, looking much less than the white he is supposed to be, he needed to go for a little swim in the creek and the goats, Starr and Comet seem to really enjoy this, and yes they do walk along beside me, sometimes I do have to hold up a moment and call them to come along and they do. They are very sweet and this weekend we even tried to have Madie ride them since she is such a peanut. And they actually tolerated this just fine. They just kept right on grazing. Well after mom and dad picked them up we went to bed.

I have to tell you about the teaching we had yesterday. It was titled, "It's worth the Risk" and it is worth the risk, you might say what is worth the risk. I'll tell you. If you see someone that may not know who Jesus is and what He has done for them, it is our obligation to tell them about Christ. And if they don't want to hear it, this is their choice but YOU have made the effort and can move on to someone else who may really want to know. So that they do not spend eternity in a very, very uncomfortable location.
Now let me ask you this. Do you have anyone in your circle of friends, coworkers, or just people that you are in contact with on a daily basis, who profess to be Christians...however...Do they behave as such? I have people in my life who are professed Christians. And yet they curse, and tell bad jokes (not around me). Have you ever heard or seen the saying that if you were put on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence in your life to convict you of such? Do you ever think of this? I do. And I want to be convicted of being a Christian. Don't you? My earthly life will be and is such a minuscule part of my eternity. Don't people see this? I wonder...or do they just not think about it....I believe there needs to be firmer teaching of this in the churches.
Jesus paid such an incredible price for me. And He paid that same price for you. Think about this, and I mean sit back and close your eyes (after you have read this) and just think about what our Lord and Savior did for us. For these wonderful and blessed children who know about our Savior, because they have spent time listening to the word, from both their parents and their babysitter (Who is a Mennonite women and her family). Do you teach your children about this...well...what are you waiting for? No time like the present!
I would find it extremely sad to get to Heaven and find that because I hadn't taken the initiative, someone in my family has missed out, on being in Heaven...what kind of mother and/or grandmother and/or friend would I be? That would make me so sad. Just think about this. So isn't it worth the risk to tell people what eternal life is all about. Or help them to know what it is like to be a Christian?
Another thing that we were taught was that Love believes the is wonderful to me how things work out. Have you ever been around someone who has extremely bloodshot eyes? What would be your first thought...That they have been up for 24 hours straight working or that they may be stoned? I have in the past thought about them being buzzed, but I am trying with the help of a friend to see that perhaps their life is a bit difficult and that they have been up and working for a long enough period of time that they have bloodshot eyes. We can think the best or we can think the worst, I find it humorous that sometimes I do think the best and yet other times I do not, why do I do this, it is a human condition that I will with my Saviors help fix. I really only want to think the best of people period, don't you?
So don't forget that all the people you meet are worth the risk, just remember what it is that God did for us...By giving us the ultimate gift of His Son Jesus Christ... and you know it...go be a blessing.
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