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My Little Samuel In a Modified Canoe. About 1997 |
What kind of legacy do you plan on leaving on this earth?
How will your children remember you?
How will your friends remember you?
How will your electric company remember you?
How will your church remember you?
Well yesterday I had to leave rather abruptly...but I am back...
We were speaking about how our children will remember us yesterday morning. And I want to add one more item of remembrance to this list.
When my two youngest children where tiny tots they loved to cuddle with their mommy...and I am so thankful to God that they were like this. My oldest child wasn't a cuddlier and unfortunately she was born into much different circumstances. Actually she was an earlier chapter of my life, which I will tell you about sometime. But I will tell you this, she is the best part of that chapter and I learned a lot in that chapter as well. When Samuel was able to walk, which was I think right around a year old, he would wake up in the morning and if his daddy and I were not in bed, he knew he could find me in the living room in my rocking chair reading my bible. He would come and climb into my lap, and listen to me read the bible to him while he had his breakfast. Our children slept in the same bed with us. And although it got a bit crowded at times it was always warm and cozy and filled with love. Now there were times when they slept in their own beds especially after about three years of age. But up to that point they mostly slept with us. And until they were each about three to three and a half this was our practice just about every morning. And yes my children all nursed and they all nursed exclusively until they were a year old and then they were introduced to other foods, but we really didn't have much jarred baby food in our house. Except Jonquil, my oldest she had tummy trouble and did nurse and did some formula as well.
So Samuel and Ruth were introduced to Jesus at a very young age. And Jonquil was about 12, and since she had had a taste of the world she didn't really prefer the world of Jesus. At least not right then, but she did enjoy and love her new little brother and then her new little sister. So along with my sense of humor and my ability to listen, I think they well also and most importantly, remember that mom loves the Lord.
I think at looking at my list above I would probably have to say that my friends will also remember me in the same way, They all know that I love the Lord, and that I have a sense of humor and that I can listen. Oh and one other thing that both my children and my friends know of me...and this may not be a great thing. I have a very low tolerance for crass behavior. Now since I will guess that most of you do not know what this means I will tell you, the dictionary says: gross, insensitive, however you get a much fuller picture if you look at the online dictionary:
Definition of CRASS
2: guided by or indicative of base or materialistic values <crass commercialism> <crass measures of
— crass·ly adverb
— crass·ness noun
This is truly a kind of behavior I cannot tolerate. And I am sure that this is as a response to the way that I was reared. Oh well...I don't consider this to be a bad thing. So when you come to visit me leave your potty mouth and your bathroom humor outside. I think I just now figured something out about myself. I also have very little tolerance of fake people or people we used to call nouveau riche.
Definition of NOUVEAU RICHE
: a person newly rich : parvenu
- <a nouveau riche who is reportedly using his money to buy his way into Palm Beach society>
French, literally, new rich
First Known Use: 1801
Well I do believe that most of you are getting a pretty good understanding of who and what I believe in. And I truly hope that this is a good thing.
The next item on my list is "How will the electric company remember you?" We are told in scripture to basically pay our bills on time...and while I know that this is what I am supposed to do, I must admit that I am not always the most on time person when it comes to paying bills. I sometimes feel a bit overwhelmed and just stick my head in the sand. Like an ostrich. But I am working on this and trying to improve. My God is patient and I know that He knows that I am working on this. I want to be a blessing to all I come into contact with, and not just a few, so I even want to have a positive relationship with the electric company. I am hoping that eventually they will even say, "She always pays on time!"
Ahhh, we have saved the best for last. You know it says in scriptures that the first will be last and the last will be first... Matthew 20: 16 Jesus then said, “So it is. Everyone who is now first will be last, and everyone who is last will be first.”
How will my church remember me. One thing is that I try to be involved but sometimes with life's demands I may fall short at times. Last weekend we had our ladies gathering on Saturday morning and I missed this because I had a football game for one of my grandchildren...okay so I had to decide which one was more important at that moment and my grandson won out. I try to do what I can, once every six weeks or so I help out in the nursery or I should say with the twos and threes. Nursery is earlier that that in our church. I don't really know how our church will remember me, I hope with love and kindness, and knowing that I do try to participate to my best ability.
Well I am going to go and figure out what I will need to purchase at the grocery store. Tomorrow at church we are having a Harvest Party, and I am donating a child vest to be auctioned in the silent auction, and I have to make a cake or two, one for at home and one for the cake walk at church. So if I have some time tomorrow I may stop back. we are supposed to be getting so bad weather her in the northeast US, however I did ask my God to make hurricane sandy into a fish storm and I am going to stand on this prayer request. However if we do get the storm, that doesn't mean God didn't hear me, it just means that He has other reasons for bringing the storm this direction.
At any rate you all should know my schedule by now I am here Monday thru Saturday and if we would get the storm we may lose power and that may make it difficult for me to talk to you all. So this one is a bit longer than some in the past and I hope you have enjoyed this writing today. God Bless you all and I really hop I am back to you all next week.
Now you know I have to say it! Go and be a blessing to someone today.
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