If you went outside this morning and this was what you saw, what would you think? I know what I would think, but I would really like to know what you would think?
Would you think:
A. Yippee it snowed! or
B. Oh it snowed, I have to clean the car off...or
C. Look at Gods glory...
I am pretty sure that you all, by now, can recognize my answer. Of course it would be: Look at God's glorious handy work. I am always overwhelmed when I see God's glory portrayed.
Now I would like to ask you an important question that goes along with your world view of life. And when I say world view, I am referring to when you literally look at the world around you NOT BEING OF the world. Just in your view of the world, what do you see? Even in sadness there is God's glory. Even in poverty there is God's glory. Even in hardship there is God's glory.
There is God's glory everywhere, sometimes we have to look a little bit, but if we take the time to look, we will find!
This little child has the right idea...This is one of our grandson's, about three years back. My husband Tim still carries around in his pocket a stone the Trenton, when he was first able to walk and navigate a bit picked up and brought to his Pappy. Whenever Trenton came over when he was a baby and then a toddler, he would always pick up a stone and bring it into the house and either give it to his Pappy or sometimes I was given the wonderful coveted stone....Trenton looked at the wonder of Gods creation thru the wonderful eyes of a child, he saw the goodness even in the rocks. And his pappy and I were able to share in his awe. I am really glad we didn't say oh put that down, that's dirty. We never want to crush our children's spirits, that is not a good thing to do. Okay now when you look at this little child would you say he is religious? I wouldn't say that, even though we have taught Trenton the basics of prayer, and I know that he is read to from his children's bible, we would rather teach our grandchildren to live in relationship with Jesus, rather than being religious. We
may have started out as religious, but I would have to say that at this point in our lives, my husband and are more concerned with having an excellant relationship with Jesus rather than being religious. I think that right about now we should go and see what Merriam has to say about this word, religious.
Would you think:
A. Yippee it snowed! or
B. Oh it snowed, I have to clean the car off...or
C. Look at Gods glory...
I am pretty sure that you all, by now, can recognize my answer. Of course it would be: Look at God's glorious handy work. I am always overwhelmed when I see God's glory portrayed.
Now I would like to ask you an important question that goes along with your world view of life. And when I say world view, I am referring to when you literally look at the world around you NOT BEING OF the world. Just in your view of the world, what do you see? Even in sadness there is God's glory. Even in poverty there is God's glory. Even in hardship there is God's glory.
There is God's glory everywhere, sometimes we have to look a little bit, but if we take the time to look, we will find!
1: relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity <a religious person> <religious attitudes>
2: of, relating to, or devoted to religious beliefs or observances <joined a religious order>
3a : a state of affairs existing between those having relations or dealings <had a good relationship with his family>
b : a romantic or passionate attachment
I definitely would rather be in a relationship with Jesus, especially after reading what Merriam has to say! Wouldn't you?
Jesus is my kin, He is my Pappy, He is my Daddy, He is my Bride-groom and I am His bride. Please understand that if you are a born-again believer, you too are his bride, whether you are male or female that doesn't matter in this case.
When I read what religious means; I really don't want to even be considered that. It frankly, to me, sounds like you are talking about a thing rather than an all powerful, all everything, being. We are made in God's image, Jesus is made in God's image, yes I said is, because God is omnipresent.
So in answer to the question in the title, NO, I am not a religious person. I am however in a relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. And you know what, people mostly, probably, think I may be singing in the car, but a lot of the time I am having a conversation with Jesus.
Yes I will go and be a blessing to someone, how about you?
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