One of the questions he asked us is how do you know God? This is a great question, and I think for most people they would give you an answer such as, "Well, I know God by what I have read about Him in the bible." I would have to say for me that would not be the case. Yes I do know about God from the bible, but you could not just put my God in a book. My God is way, way, way, more than that. I know my God by talking to Him, by looking at His creation, by listening to Him, and by being around my brothers and sisters in Christ. Now I will ask again, how do you know God, or Jesus, or the Holy Spirit? Do you ever really consider what Jesus/God did for us...Can you imagine the pain that God must have felt, but also the love that He felt at the same time for all of us. Can you imagine Him, God, knowing that the birth of this innocent child would end in such excruciating pain, and that He, God, did this all for us?
Do you ever wonder if Jesus as He was growing up knew what His end would be? I doubt it. I really don't think that Jesus really consciously knew what the end was going to be, until He was closer to the end. And He did this willingly for us. If you have never considered this, I would ask you to take some time to consider this and realize that this gift from God is the ultimate gift. So when you ask someone to give a gift of themselves, something that is of them, like a drawing or something that they made with their own two hands, or what ever it took for them to do whatever they did, realize that these are the gifts from the heart, do not take these gifts lightly, because in receiving these gifts you are receiving a part of them. Is any of this starting to make the light-bulbs go on?
God gave us His son as a gift. We open this gift and receive this gift of eternal life, and we become born again, don't let your gift from God go unused. Read your bible and talk to God! Find out what it is that He would have you to do with your life.
Right now I am going to get myself ready to walk out the door of my house and into the wonderful world that God has created for me (and for you) and I am going to do something that I love to do, which is to go and find someone to bless. How about you, are you going to bless someone today, perhaps, many someones?
Oh and there will be more about the healing service as the week goes by...
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