Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Perspective Part II

Okay we are back to perspective part two!  Yesterday we spoke of Mary, as in Jesus' mother.  This is a picture of one of my daughters in about her eighth month, with her second child. Who is now know as the magnificent Madison!  Her perspective on being pregnant is that she will be having a little girl, to complete her wonderful family.  I wonder what Celeste might have said if you had told her that she was going to get on a donkey and ride that donkey, while her husband and little son walked for approximately 80 miles.  I can honestly say that I would not be able to write what she would have to say here. 

When we go back to the story of Mary and Joseph, we see that God had a lot of things worked out in advance.  When the angel told Mary that she was going to have a baby and that it would be God's son he also told Mary that her cousin Elizabeth was already with child and in her sixth month, and this was difficult for Mary to understand since her cousin was past menopause. And her husband was older!  So with this news from the angel, Mary must have realized that with God nothing is impossible.  I am sure that Mary had been told this before by her parents, but to have something occur with in your life that makes this so tangible and real, must have been truly amazing for Mary to try to comprehend.  I would have to say that Mary's perspective on God more than likely changes and became much more tangible and real!

Okay now I am going to tell you all something that changed my perspective on something that occurred for me yesterday.  I miss read  something, instead of reading took as took, I read took as take.  Now I won't really go any further with the explanation, except to say that those two words if interchanged can make a statement unpleasant or pleasant.  I took a perfectly nice statement and turned it into an unpleasant statement just by not reading closely enough.  And it took someone else to point out my error, because I choose not to see the forest for the trees!  Have you ever done that?  I can remember when I was a child, that those things occurred.  I need to follow my own advice and read the bible a bit more and leave childish things behind, I am past that and I need to do that!  Are there any more "me's" out there who also need to change your perspective and let the childish ways behind?  Don't look for bad or unpleasant things, look for good!

I think it is time to check out what Merriam has to say about this word...

Definition of PERSPECTIVE   per·spec·tive  \pər-ˈspek-tiv\

a : the interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed <places the issues   in proper perspective>; also : point of view
    b : the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance <trying to maintain my perspective>

a : a visible scene; especially : one giving a distinctive impression of distance : vista
     b : a mental view or prospect <to gain a broader perspective on the international scene — Current Biograph

As you can see by see by these definitions there is more to this word than meets the eye.  We can look at a person that is walking the streets with a back pack on their back and they may not be very clean, and think that that person is homeless.  Well then we look a little further and see someone else that is clean, their clothes may be a bit worn and they are carrying a back pack as well.  What would you say if I told you that the cleaner person was the homeless person and they had just left a shelter and that the person who was a bit unkempt was actually a person with a home and just plain poor hygiene?  Hmmm.  We mustn’t judge books by their covers.  I know of a young man who has many, many tattoos, and he has a shaved head.  If you saw someone walking down the street that looks like that you may be inclined to duck into a store or to cross the street to the other side.  But this young man is a musician in a heavy metal Christian Band.  He is a Christian, but because of the views that most of have, our first look at him may not be what it could be because our perspective is skewed.
Well it is time to get ready for work and to find someone to bless, how about you?  Will you find someone to bless today?

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