Saturday, November 10, 2012

One Old Adage, That Comes From the Bible...

Early morning on the old road.  No Red Sky here.  That
 happened the day before.
 Do you ever consider old adages and their origination?  Well this morning, when I came into our "retreat" home office area.  There is a large window in that room and as I gazed out the window for just a short moment...a thought came to my mind...Red sky at morning, sailor take warning.  So I thought that might be a good thing to write about this morning, however, and I just love how this works...God had another idea.  I sat down at my desk and I started by googling this phrase.  And I learned something this morning that I didn't realize, this little proverb comes from the bible, and it is actualy spoken by Jesus. Matthew 16:2-3 He replied, "You know the saying, 'Red sky at night means fair weather tomorrow, 3 red sky in the morning means foul weather all day.' You are good at reading the weather signs in the sky, but you can't read the obvious signs of the times!"

So this old adage is alot older then I thought!  Don't you just love the way that God works. I would like for us to think about, "reading the signs of the times."  Do you remember the "Blue Laws?"   The very first Blue Law for Pennsylvania was in 1682, and that law had to do with working or having fun on Sunday.  It was supposed to be a day spent honoring the Lord.  Can you imagine what this world would currently look like if we still spent one whole day honoring the Lord?  Well I bet that if we did that, we would also spend time on each and every other day honoring the Lord, probably not the whole day, but probably an hour or so maybe more if it was totaled all together.  If the population in general spent more time with the Lord, we would be a kinder and more loving people.  Because we would be more educated in the things of God. 

I have been spending a small amount of time occasionally reading a blog about the Amish, and one of the points that is addressed is the Amish only having their children attend school until they are in eighth grade.  And apparently there was a court case out in Wisconsin that basically said that this was OK.  Now please do not think that I am advocating our children only attend school until the eighth grade, but perhaps if all the sports and extracurricular activities were made to be something that was done outside of school and not administrated by the schools...maybe then our children would only have to go to school up to the tenth grade.  If all that extra time was spent on education rather than on sports or social clubs, you probably wouldn't need the extra two years. 

I have been around some Amish people a fair amount over the past few years and they really are an amazing people!  And very, very smart!  The distractions that we in general suffer with are not found, for the most part, in the Amish community.  And I wouldn't mind giving up, some of my 

1. Constantly connected to the world...cell phones...tell your family I will be turning my phone off on such and such a day.  If you want to speak to me, you know where I live.
2. Computers/internet...constant intrusions, you sit down to do one thing and next thing you know you have to check this site and that site and on and on it goes.  Go back to the very first blue law and turn it off on Sunday, give your mind a little break.
3. Television...leave that off on Sunday as well, try spending the day as a family or with friends, and don't forget to leave the cell phone off!
4. Micro waves...what happened to making a meal on a stove...from scratch even.  Do you remember Mom's home cooking; I doubt she used a microwave!

So very unfortunately one of the most important things and signs of the time is that the bible has been taken out of just about every aspect of out lives, except for what we do in the privacy of our homes and in our churches.  This does not bode well for this country.  And only if the people who confess with their mouths, that they are believers, start really standing up for their beliefs will anything change.  And that also includes you Mr. President, if you are a believer as you say you are, then show us.

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