Yesterday I told you about our time at Daddy's House (Church), and about the young lady that we have decided with the Lord's help to sponsor. And my husband and I were having a little chat about how much it cost per day to do this...his way, 35 divided by 30 comes out to $1.166666666 per day; now I know my way is a bit more complicated but it's more accurate; 35 times 12 equals 420. and then divide this by 365.25 equals $1.14989733.
Okay his way $1.17 per day my way $1.15, my way is two cents less....
Do you ever buy a cup of coffee, I bet you do, we do on occasion. And I know a cup of coffee costs a whole lot more than helping a young child to live a more complete, safe, loving, and fulfilling life. I am so glad, glad beyond words, that Tim and I decided to do this. Do you think you could manage to do this as well?
All you have to do is go to:
This picture to the right is my baby, my Ruthee! I don't know how other mothers cope with their child being far enough away from home that you can't just pick up and go to them when they are sick, but I can tell you this mom is not coping real well with it.
Isn't she pretty?
Yesterday she called and sounded awful, she is only just slightly recovering from laryngitis, and she told me her head was totally stuffed up and she couldn't hear and hear ear hurt...needless to say I told her she needed to get to the doctors office. And I told her I felt like I needed to just drop everything and drive out there and pack her up and bring her home! Well Moms and Dads out there what would you do?
Probably the most important thing we can do for our children, before they are even born is to pray for them.
Dear Lord, first of all I love you Lord. And right now Father I bring to you my Ruthee, actually Father I know she's not my Ruthee, she's your Ruthee, I only have her on loan, and Father there are times when I feel like I haven't done quite the job that You would have had me to do. But I did do what I felt was best. I know You know Father that our children can really wear us down at times. And it's at those times when we should, and I should have, stopped and taken a moment to ask You to guide my words. And I didn't. Wish I had. Father right now Ruth is ill and I ask you to help her to fell better Lord, heal her body, and maybe give her a little tiny shake and ask her to spend more time with you Lord. I know that she used to spend time with you everyday, and I believe that she still does, I do pray Father that she will find in herself the value that You see in her as well as the value the we, her parents, and friends also see in her. Wow Lord you really gave this child of Yours an amazing voice. A voice that can sing praises to You like no bodies business, and her piano skills Lord, you really threw a lot of talent into her little being, help her to put this all to good use Lord. Tim and I really want her to come home Father and live at home, I feel as though she needs to come back to us, for a little time Lord, and heal up and then go out and slowly get her feet back on Your path for her Lord. Please Father right now I just ask for healing for Ruthee and I ask this in the name of Jesus, who died for our sins, all of our sins. Amen and Amen.
You know it go and be a blessing!
PS: I do also pray for my other children all six of them in total and my grandchildren too!
Okay his way $1.17 per day my way $1.15, my way is two cents less....
Do you ever buy a cup of coffee, I bet you do, we do on occasion. And I know a cup of coffee costs a whole lot more than helping a young child to live a more complete, safe, loving, and fulfilling life. I am so glad, glad beyond words, that Tim and I decided to do this. Do you think you could manage to do this as well?
All you have to do is go to:
This picture to the right is my baby, my Ruthee! I don't know how other mothers cope with their child being far enough away from home that you can't just pick up and go to them when they are sick, but I can tell you this mom is not coping real well with it.
Isn't she pretty?
Yesterday she called and sounded awful, she is only just slightly recovering from laryngitis, and she told me her head was totally stuffed up and she couldn't hear and hear ear hurt...needless to say I told her she needed to get to the doctors office. And I told her I felt like I needed to just drop everything and drive out there and pack her up and bring her home! Well Moms and Dads out there what would you do?
Probably the most important thing we can do for our children, before they are even born is to pray for them.
Dear Lord, first of all I love you Lord. And right now Father I bring to you my Ruthee, actually Father I know she's not my Ruthee, she's your Ruthee, I only have her on loan, and Father there are times when I feel like I haven't done quite the job that You would have had me to do. But I did do what I felt was best. I know You know Father that our children can really wear us down at times. And it's at those times when we should, and I should have, stopped and taken a moment to ask You to guide my words. And I didn't. Wish I had. Father right now Ruth is ill and I ask you to help her to fell better Lord, heal her body, and maybe give her a little tiny shake and ask her to spend more time with you Lord. I know that she used to spend time with you everyday, and I believe that she still does, I do pray Father that she will find in herself the value that You see in her as well as the value the we, her parents, and friends also see in her. Wow Lord you really gave this child of Yours an amazing voice. A voice that can sing praises to You like no bodies business, and her piano skills Lord, you really threw a lot of talent into her little being, help her to put this all to good use Lord. Tim and I really want her to come home Father and live at home, I feel as though she needs to come back to us, for a little time Lord, and heal up and then go out and slowly get her feet back on Your path for her Lord. Please Father right now I just ask for healing for Ruthee and I ask this in the name of Jesus, who died for our sins, all of our sins. Amen and Amen.
You know it go and be a blessing!
PS: I do also pray for my other children all six of them in total and my grandchildren too!
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