Friday, March 1, 2013

BUTTONS you have them?  I do!  I have them on the little jacket that I have on right now.  I also have them in other forms, as do most people, and almost on a daily basis I have to deal with them...ya know I have really enjoyed going thru the last few books of the Bible with you, but I have missed this...this time of just speaking to you about the ordinary things of everyday life, that have such a huge effect on our everyday lives...

And I have also just had an epiphany, I am sure that the devil has been working hard to try to find things to bother me with...and it really must be a struggle for him, because, for the most part I answer most difficulties with prayer. 

 While driving my car, if one of the warning lights comes on, I pull off the road, turn off my car and say a little prayer.  Hey our God is omnipotent and omniscient, so then I ask you, why wouldn't he be able to correct whatever may be wrong with my car? I then turn my car back on, and off I go.  Now I know there have got to be people out there that are po-poing my thoughts but this is actually one, just one of the ways that God works in my life...God is so good.

Back to my epiphany...I just had a realization that one of the places that I can defiantly point my finger to, in an area of my life where I allow, and yes this is a conscious choice, where I allow the devil a foothold if you would, is my buttons...and I am sure that there are plenty of people out there that have this identical problem.

When I feel I have suffered, and I use this word, quite loosely, an injustice to my person, I can sort of feel that the hair on the back of my neck sort of rise up, as I endure whatever this little injustice may be...And this is a place where instead of reacting carnally I need to immediately pray to Jesus...well I am going to put that in practice immediately.

So, and I would really like you to think about this, what are your buttons?  What lights you up...and remember this image...the next time someone presses your button or buttons, imagine this as an off/on switch...when the button is pushed will you exude the bright white light of Jesus, or will you exude the red and orange light of the devil?  Hmmm...I know what color light I want to exude, now I must just do it.

You know I am sure, that once a problem is recognized, it is much easier to deal with. But please be assured that you will not deal with this unless you ask Jesus for His help.  So once you perceive a difficulty in your personal walk with Jesus make sure that you ask Him to help you to deal with this button.

Then you can spend a bit of time watching for that next button, to raise it's ugly little head.  We will call it ugly, because, let's face it, sin is ugly, but we will call it little because with Jesus nothing is impossible and all things can be conquered.

Now every time I turn on my iPad/android I see something and I want to share this picture with you all...I am working on uploading this picture to a place were I can get to here...and it is fighting I just asked God for His aid...TaDa...actually i went to my regular computer and did it...have to be honest with you guys...that is very important!

I know this will be a little hard to see, but just look at that little face.  Studying that toy...this little guys is such a joy to me...and on this note...

Go into the world and be a blessing for Jesus!

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