Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Honor & Honor ability

Yesterday I was in general speaking to women, but then I thought we really should be speaking to both men and women.  So welcome all.  From me and Tim.

Aren't we a cute couple...we think we are. Needless to say we both love each other very, very much!  You might say we have a mutual admiration society going on here.  Why you may ask...well that is easy...I admire Tim for his abilities in lots of different areas as does he for me.  I like to cook, he likes to eat. You know it is a lot more fun to do something for someone who appreciates what you have done for them.  It is really NOT that much fun when it isn't, appreciated.

Yesterday I finished up with the laundry and at lunch time I put a little note on top of the basket that said, "Dear Tim, please carry me back to the bathroom so that your lovely wife Kirsten can put this laundry away, Thank You, Laundry Basket." Now I know that this was just plain silly, but what is wrong with that?  I wasn't here but I knew that would make my husband smile...and he told me it good I succeeded and the laundry is away.  We had a win win all the way around.  And Tim can say he helped with the laundry.
I honor my husband, partly because I want to and partly because that is what God wants me to do.  And when you truly love someone, it is not that difficult to do.

What does it mean to honor someone? Well to me it means that I really value Tim, I hold him in high esteem, I want to please him and I feel quite poorly when I displease him.  (Though this doesn't happen very often, or at least when it does, Tim doesn't let me know...and he should,  but he doesn't because he is aware of my feelings and he doesn't like to upset me.). My husband is the king of his castle.  Is yours?  Is your husband honorable.  Is your wife honorable.  We as Christians are to be honorable people.  So this all goes towards us walking the walk and not just talking the talk.

I could go on and on, on this subject, but I think you get the message.  I will pick this subject back up at a later date, but I want to speak to some younger women before I do.  I want their perspective, and when I have done this I will let you know.

So go and be a blessing and blessings to you all on this wonderful day that is a gift from God.

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