Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Church on 3/3/13

Well before we get to what I learned on Sunday I thought I would share with you the current dish clothe I am making....these are my therapy if you would.  I really enjoy making them, but I also really enjoy giving them.  I think that is the most fun part of the making, is knowing I can give them away.  When I buy yarn for dish clothes, I generally buy the cotton yarn that comes on a cone.  So I end up with lots of clothes that are the same color...oh well...they aren't all staying in my kitchen so what does it matter.

And here are a few more that I made off of the same cone.  Okay so you all now know that this is my therapy...I find this to be very calming... they are dish clothes so it doesn't matter if you make a mistake.  And I use them to lean new stitches.  This is a great way to learn, at least this is the way I practice new stitches.

Alright this past Sunday at church I learned many things. One of which is that you can not run in heels.  Sometimes in the beginning of our service there are goodies given away, and this time I was the recipient of a two CD set by Scott Schang titled Living in a Family Culture.  I think this is going to go in my car so I can listen to it.  I have found this is a great way  to learn...it's quiet and I can really hear what is being said to me.  So I received my CD gift and then the sermon, which Pastor Don titled, "All in the Family."
The sermon was about the Prodigal Son.  Wow.  A totally new approach to these verses.  Did you know that just because you are born into a family, this doesn't mean that you are entitled to anything.  Although if you asked, I believe that most people would feel a sense of entitlement.  Why?  We didn't earn it, we didn't pay for our parents home, we didn't pay for their car's or their boats or invest so wisely.... what makes most people feel that the family estate belongs to them?  Perhaps you have gone off and lived your life your way and have had nothing much to do with your family.  And say your parents got to be really close to someone else.  Maybe these other people are more deserving than are you!  But I digress.  Pastor Don did touch on entitlement, but he didn't hit us over the head with it.

Do you know that the story of the Prodigal Son is not really about the son...it is more about the very loving and forgiving father.  Now with this in mind, how about rereading the verses in Luke 15.  It will really give you a different point of view.
When the youngest son decided to leave the family farm, he said to his father, give to me my portion.  So the father divided the farm between the two boys, even though the older son wasn't looking for his share, this is what the father did.  What made this boy think that he was going to be the 50% owner of his fathers farm?  Tradition?  I would say.  However this doesn't necessarily apply today.  I am not sure, I know a little about what has transpired with my own dis-functional family, but frankly I am not sure that that is what would transpire in a "normal" family.  So the baby went out and completely spent all his money, he got a job, slopping the pigs on someone else's farm and he found that the left over corn cobs, mind you, they were left over from the pigs, looked appetizing to him because he was so hungry.  Have you ever been that hungry?  It is not fun to be even a little hungry...we are so spoiled as a people.  We, for the most part, have no idea, what it is like, to be really really hungry.
So this boy decides...why am I doing this, I can go home and be a servant for my father, way he would think his father would allow him to come back as a servant, I am not sure.  So he went home and his father, who had been watching for his return, ran across the field, when he realized this was his son that had left.  And he hugged him and hugged him.  This doesn't look to me to be a father that is going to bring his son back into the family as a servant...I think not.  This boy will be coming back as a full fledged son.
Now we will continue on this tomorrow morning or maybe later today, I am not sure.

Are you going to get snow today....we probably are...I am very excited...I can't wait...we haven't had a descent snow in a couple years!  Yippy!

You know it...go be a blessing!

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