Thursday, March 7, 2013


Do you ever consider our ability to communicate?  And what all goes into our communication.  There are the words themselves, and then you can throw in the pitch of our voices, then add the look on our faces, and lastly the way that we are standing or other body language.  Hmmmm!

Every morning I check out Facebook.  And this has become a very present way for us to communicate.  I can send out one message to all my children and there spouse's, in one feel swoop.  It is very handy for a busy person who still wants to stay in touch.

It is also a great way to (very lightly)  stay in tune with what our grandchildren are into on a daily basis.  But this is very lightly.

This morning when I looked at Facebook I saw something from one of my grandchildren, so I clicked on it.  Well I wasn't horrified, however I was saddened.
Now you may be curious as to why I was saddened and so I will communicate this to you.  I said earlier that there is a lot more that goes into our communication skills, and I do not make this statement lightly, than just mere words.
I know that today it is the thing for a certain section of our society to walk around with there pants just about falling down, and pretty boxers hanging out and showing a whole lot more than is needed. And if it is warm enough let's do the previous and not wear a shirt.  Now I suppose that to a young women or perhaps even a female child, this is probably a "turn on" why is this whole lifestyle accepted by these children's parents?  To me it says, I am lazy and just don't care about anything at all.  (And so much more.)
I just can't see it!  My one daughter is living in SC, she is not wealthy, and she has several children(5), that she does a very good job taking care of.  And one thing that I can tell you is that she will, only occasionally fall into the slang of her peers.  And I am extremely thankful for this.  She is as bright as any of my children and probably brighter than most.  I have always been a little sad that she didn't further her education, because I really truly feel that she would have made a great psychologist or at least a therapist.  Anyway back to her communication skills.  To hear her speak you would think that she has had time in college, or I should probably say what we used to hear from our college graduates.  I think people have just gotten lazy and do not bother to speak clearly and enunciate.  To me this is very sad.  I think I can also equate this with the lack of time spent reading good quality books,  the classics.  This is just not done, much, any longer.  Well for me I will continue to read the greatest book ever to be published, the Bible, and I will continue to read it in the King James version.  Believe it or not I do believe this keeps my ability to communicate concisely, sharp.

Okay I have introduced you to one of my pet peeves....I guess I am getting older and less tolerant.  I will have to work on this.  I do know it is time to get ready for work and to find someone to bless.  How about you?

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