Friday, March 15, 2013


What are your circumstances in life?   And how do you react to your circumstances?

This word circumstance, is a very interesting word.  I did look it up in our dear friend Merriam Webster, and although I read thru the definitions, and I do understand what I read, this is a somewhat difficult word to understand.  Think about this word and think about how you would define this word to someone.....

My circumstances are guided by the Lord.  But....only when I am alone.  And this may also be your circumstance.  Now once you set your foot outside your walk out to your get into your you ask God for His protection each time you go out into the world, you should, we should, I should.  Alright you are driving down the road,  now perhaps you have never been involved in an accident.  Oh that is wonderful.  I was 16, and it was minor (but reportable accident)and I thank God for that.  Other than that the Lord has always been right there along side of me.  And he was there with me when I was 16 as well, even though I didn't know it.  Now that I am older and a believer in Christ, for a good many years, my circumstances are such that I always have God with me.

HOWEVER this doesn't mean that I am perfect...far from it....there are times in my life on a regular basis that my circumstances are such that I struggle...just ask my husband...I come home and poor out my heart,  and I just wonder....this is because I react to my circumstances, I need to not do this...And God is helping me, but if you are also reacting...take a moment, and look at the circumstances surrounding your particular issue.  Now I know this may seem trite,  (but oh well, this is the way I think about things) how do you think that Jesus would respond to your particular situation?   Just try very hard to look at your various situations thru Gods eyes.  And to take it a step further.  Find a word that may describe your situation.  Just as an example it might be jealousy, or it might be trust, or blasphemy.  Okay now take that word and go to your Bible's cyclopedic index and look up that word.  Now you can look at the various scriptures where those words are used and in what form they are used.  This will help you to understand a particular emotion and perhaps it well give you a hand on how to deal with this in a Godly fashion.

When you are in a particular circumstance, try not to react, especially if it is not a good circumstance, until you have had an opportunity to sort of stand back, and re-look at the situation, and just try to have a Godly response.  Remember, we as Christians, may be the only Bible, some people ever read.  Yes, I know, but it is true?  And I am not just talking to you I am speaking to my self.

God help me to have a better understanding of the circumstances that I find myself in each and every day...and Lord I ask you to be within me and help me in my body language, and with the looks on my face, and the pitch of my voice and the words that I speak, let me show whoever is with me that I have the love of you in me for them.  And nothing they can say or do well make me respond in an un-Godly way.  Just be with me constantly Daddy. I love you Lord.

And now go and bless someone!

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