Friday, March 8, 2013

Communication Part II

Well I see in rereading what I wrote yesterday...I slid off topic.  Huh why am I not surprised! I tend to do that when I am feeling passionate about something.

What I was saddened about yesterday was the fact that my one grandson would find this group of people somehow worth looking up to. My grandson had posted something of interest to himself that he wanted to share with his friends on Facebook.  So I listened.  I guess I should say I tried to listen.  First of all it was very difficult to understand and there was a great deal of repetition of the same words over and over and over again.  And to me, they made no sense at all.  The first time or the thirty-first time.  Plus there was no enunciation, so that made it even more difficult to understand anything more than about three or four words.

Well I suppose there message wasn't that important to them to convey, because if it was important, perhaps they would have taken much more care in expressing themselves in a manner that would have been more comprehensible to more people, rather than to such a narrow audience.

Okay in all fairness I must say that there was music that I listened to in my younger days, I still listen to it on occasion, that my mother would say wasn't music at all.  It wasn't a symphony or an Italian opera, so to her it wasn't music.
In my own defense I must say, at least you could understand the words that were spoken and there was music and instruments not just boom, boom, boom....

Am I just getting old?  I have gotten to a point in my life that I really don't want to waste my time or words on nothingness.  I want to be doing something that will make a difference for someone in some way.  Like writing this blog.  I seriously hope that I touch some one some where with what I write here.  Today I am saying make your words count.  Don't let them be empty.  Have a purpose.  And if your not sure of what your purpose is, ask the Lord to direct your steps.  Ask the Lord rather than anyone else or anything else, the Lord is the only safe way to go.  Anyone else will have their own agendas to advance, whereas the Lord wants only for  your best to be seen and sent out into the world.

There is so much going on anymore and it is not all good.  However I am going to focus on the good.  It is to easy to constantly find fault.  Okay so I don't understand the "music" that my grandson listens mother couldn't understand the music that I listened to.  However there is some wisdom acquired with age.  Spend your time in wise pursuits.  Think about what you are doing and what you expect to accomplish thru your pursuits.  If it does end in something good, than I would reconsider.  And don't let this guide just your doings, let this guide your vision, what you allow yourself to look at, what you choose to listen to.  Consider it all.  God is good....allow Him to guide you.

Time to be a blessing! Who will you bless today, and I am not asking this tritely I am asking this honestly, who will you bless today?

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