Monday, March 4, 2013

In Retrospect.....

Do you never sit down quietly and just let the Lord speak to you and thru you?

Well that is what I am going to do this morning.

How was your weekend?  And yes this question is asked to honestly want to know how was your weekend...I am aware that there are times when someone asks this question, but their main purpose is not to find out how your weekend was....but rather an opportunity to tell you what was great about theirs.   Self indulgent people are not my favorite.

Since I can not hear about your response I will tell you briefly of my weekend.  My weekend starts, these days on Friday morning, rather than Friday evening, because my week has been temporarily shortened.  Which is really okay with me.  It is giving me opportunity to do some things that I wouldn't ordinarily have the opportunity to do.  Like go to church and offer my services...whatever may need done I will happily do. Now this past Friday...was tad different..I spent time on my blog and then I did a bunch of stuff on my computer that I really needed to get done...home running type stuff, family finances...not my favorite thing to do, but something that is necessary. Cleaned up my kitchen a bit and did some knitting.
On Saturday Tim got up and went to the men's breakfast at church, I got up had my tea and wrote a longer than usual blog...and then I thought ...I haven't had waffles for a I made waffles....big, huge, awful body has gotten so used to having oatmeal with some cinnamon and coconut oil, and blueberries that I felt so miserable from putting this other stuff into me....I will not do this again!  I felt horrible...I had NO energy to do anything...and that made me feel even worse...because there were things I wanted to do that day.  Like go to my one grandson's championship wrestling match, which he won.....Yay Ryan...he is only nine and just nine, but he won his weight class title.  His Pappy was there.  Thank you God for that.  I stayed home, and it wasn't until later, after Tim had left, that I actually had the energy to get some things accomplished, that I needed to get accomplished.  Like I made a pumpkin roll...we really like them.  And they aren't that bad for us to thing I need to find out about making them is, I use regular white sugar.  I think I need to start using raw sugar in the things that I make.  I wonder, is brown sugar bleached first and then is molasses added to it?  I don't know, I will have to find this out.

On Sunday Tim and I went to church and after words we went to a spaghetti supper at church to help raise money for a new stove at a homeless shelter down in the York, Pa area.  That was quite good.  We then stopped and spent a short amount of time with my friend Barb and her husband Buzz.  Didn't want to stay to long...Buzz needs his time with his family.  I told you a little bit about these friends the other day.  Such a blessing to me....

Well it is Monday morning and I need to get a move on...time to get ready for my short week...and I will find someone to about you?

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