Thursday, March 21, 2013

Yesterday's Readers.....and Much, Much More...

Yesterday's blog was about what we should do after we have accepted Christ as our Savior.  And I have to say, you regular readers know that everyday I end my blogs with everyone seeking out someone to bless...well I have been blessed tremendously by the people who have read my blog.

Yesterday I had my first reader from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada and I had someone from Germany who read 13 pages, so I would say that they were really catching up.  I also had my regular readers from here in the US, Pennsylvania to be exact.  One from Greencastle,  one from York and one from Mountville each of these readers read a few pages.  So you all have blessed me tremendously.

You know since I have gotten a little bit older, I have found that I find happiness in many more things.  Like writing this blog....there are some mornings that I really feel like I am hitting the wall and not really feeling very capable of putting any real words of any real value down on paper, or should I say on the screen.  but God has different ideas...don't you just love those two three letter words? Boy I do...But  God!

I have been doing some thinking lately (and this can be a dangerous thing...) about how much we as adults, sometimes blame our adult problems on the way that we were reared...and I have really been giving this a bit more thought lately than I have perhaps in the past.  And I have come to a grand is time to put the past in the past and to start taking responsibility for our own actions.

In other words get over it!  How long must you carry that baggage around with you?  Well here's the truth.  You don't need to carry this baggage any longer, just put it down and leave it, you don't need it and start realizing that the reason that things may not be going according to your wishes are your responsibility, not your Mom's, not your Dad's, not your grandparent's, not Uncle Harry's.  You may have received some of the ways that you choose to deal with things as a result of your cumulative rearing...all of it thrown together in a ball.  But what you choose to carry with you into adulthood are as a result of your choices.

I really hope that I am speaking to someone out there and touching someone's heart. You know I am sure that when you become a Christian, God looks at you as a person in the whole.  He's  not looking at you and saying,  "well I do believe that 30% of this person is mom and 28.5% is dad...and 40% is sister and 1.5% is brother."  Nope God looks at you and says," welcome my child."  Pastor Don said one Sunday that the reason we have such a small rear view mirror is because we shouldn't spend a huge amount of time looking back, looking at what is going on behind us, but we have a relatively huge front window to look thru so we can see where we are going.  Why not start looking at your whole life like this.  Just like when we ask Christ to come into our hearts and we ask God to forgive us for all of the wrong that we have ever done...Jesus does this, and the past is forgiven and GONE!  If God can do this why would you want to hang on to it?  Seems to me this is a no brainer, just let go.  And start to live your life...

So many times when our children grow up and have become young adults, they can't wait to be out of their parent's house and on their you want to know what I think about this situation....well I am going to tell you, I have control of the keyboard right now.... oh good, I get to be on my own, I get to pay rent, and electric and trash removal, and phone bills, and car insurance and car payments.....happy now.

And then some things start to go a little off track, you don't have quite enough money to pay your phone bill...well this is because of the way I was raised (reared).  No it's not, it's because you choose to take that little trip to that other state, when you didn't really have the money for it.   You see.  It is so easy to say, oh it's because of the way that I was reared....well, let's start to take responsibility for our behavior and stop looking in the rear view mirror and saying well it's because of this or that or the other thing...

Well it is that time...go and find someone to bless.  And if any of you would like to contact me there is a space for comments below or you can send an email to me at  I look forward to hearing from you.  Blessings to all!

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