Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Heart and Mind of Christ

Isaiah 55:9, "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts."

Do you ever consider, "What does Jesus think about?"  Or maybe the better question is, "What doesn't Jesus think about?"

Last evening, being Wednesday, I was at church, and oh my, what a blessing I received, my daughter Ruthee went with me...that was really wonderful.  But as usual I digress....we spoke about why Tim doesn't come to church with me on Wednesday evenings.  Well that's an easy one to understand.  When we are involved in deepish conversations, your mind gets wired, like you had to much full test coffee, or maybe to many of those five hour energy drinks. (If you drink those things!)  You come home and your mind is going 90 miles an hour, and you can't fall asleep.  Well when you rise from your bed at need to be able to go to bed and go to sleep.  Not lay there awake.  So now do you understand about thinking about skatty eight things all at the same time.  Well God thinks about skatty eight times skatty eight times skatty eight things all at the same time.  Remember we can not limit God.  He is huge.  He is everywhere all the time, He is in all things, He is everywhere all the time.  I was going to say to think about God as the air that we breath, except that, the air isn't everywhere, and God is!

How many a people inhabit this earth, or perhaps I should say how many Christians inhabit this earth?  I have found that in 2011 there where 3.1 billion Christians, that is a lot but not all.  I believe there are probably more. And God is with each and everyone, all the time!  Wrap your head around that thought!  Hmm!  God just said to me...Kirsten, how can I explain this to you, when you can't understand it? I know God but I am trying...Kirsten it doesn't matter, as long as all understand that I am always there when they want to speak to me that is all that matters, right?  Kirsten remember this is faith. You need to watch the movie, "Faith Like Potatoes" again. Okay God, are you reprimanding me?  No I just want you to think about things that matter, rather than think about things that don't really matter.  I know that your heart is in the right place.  As long as my people, my children, spend time in my word and follow what is taught in the Bible.  They should be able to instruct and help others who aren't believers in me to get to know me.  The only way to have a good relationship, with anyone, is to spend time with that one.  Like you are doing right now.  God you are so amazing to me.  I know that there will be people out there that will read this and think I am making this up, and that God couldn't possibly be speaking to me.  Well He's not...He's flowing thru me and out my finger tips onto the letters that comprise the words that you see here.  The only thing that I try very hard to do, is to change the colors of the print.  So that it is easier for my brothers and sisters in Christ to see were I am speaking and where God is speaking.  spend time with me and I will speak to you as well.  Even if you don't spend time with me I may still speak to you at an unexpected time...
Okay so in order to understand we need to spend time in the Word.  We need to work hard at emulating our Father (Heavenly), and pray without ceasing.  One of the ways I do this last part is by spending a lot of time singing songs, humming songs, whistling songs.  About the only time I am really quiet is when I am writing this blog.

Well it is time to go and get ready for work, and to find someone to know I bless the same person everyday.  But there is another person I would like to bless, but I am unable to. This person will not allow it.  How should I deal with this God?  Can you please tell me...I am would you bless someone who doesn't want to be blessed by you?

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