Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Pastors' Wives'

At Harvest Chapel, my church, we have unbelievable I am sitting here thinking about these people I can see them in my minds eye.  These people are our spiritual teachers as well as our spiritual parents.  My husband has an old friend that occasionally has come to the church with her husband, and the one time that we were able to catch up with them after a service, they said that they had learned more during that one sermon than they had learned in many years, yes years, of going to a different church.  Now I don't know about you, but this is what I want from my time at church.  And not just on Sundays!

This past Sunday, three of the Pastors' wives' spoke to us rather than the pastors.  The first to speak was Mrs. Irene Rivera.  We learned from her about walking by faith. This is so important.  When we rise in the morning we need to ask our Lord...okay Jesus, no matter what you have for me I am walking with you so I will do as you direct. And if you are walking closely with the Lord and spending time in the Lord's will become a little Jesus, and this is our goal to emulate our Father.  Romans 8: 28 to the end.  Is an amazing and concise directory of how to live our lives.  Paul I would have liked to hear teach as well as all of our pastors...he knew how to string words together in such a way to really get his thoughts things work together for good to them that love God.   Wow, that really says a lot.  Just a little are late for work one day...and as you are driving down the road you pass an accident...well if you had left on would have been part of that you see?  God turned around, the situation from what you may have seen as a problem and if you have your eyes open and on the will see where He is protecting you..and shielding something occurs to make you late next time...realize that maybe, just maybe, God is protecting you.  Romans 8: 29 goes on to talk about the fact that God knew us before we were us...God had knowledge of us before we were this to the is amazing.

The next to speak was Mrs. Kim Miller.  She gave us a parallel between the Palm tree and our families...I would never have thought to put these two together.
I just googled  "palm trees," and Wikipedia has some very interesting facts that I never new about palm trees.
A quote from Wikipedia: Most palms are distinguished by their large, compound, evergreenleaves arranged at the top of an unbranched stem. However, many palms are exceptions, and in fact exhibit an enormous diversity in physical characteristics. As well as being morphologically diverse, palms also inhabit nearly every type of habitat within their range, fromrainforests to deserts.

No wonder Miss Kim spoke as she did.  Not only does a good and healthy palm tree have a very deep and strong root in this earth that God created. We as families need to also have a good and healthy root in God our Father....what amazing women.  And did you notice in the quote from Wikipedia how it says that palm trees are very diverse in some of their traits....aren't we as well.  There are not to many of us that are identical.  Unless God says, I think I will pull a trick on this family and give them identical twins or triplets or what ever number He chooses.  God does have a sense of humor.  Kim went on to speak about her gift of being a hostess.  And while this is an awesome trait, let's see what we can do to help out Mrs. Miller and be a hostess to her.  You know when you go into a restaurant you are greeted by the hostess.  Have you ever considered what a hostess does?  Think about this...there isn't much they don't do, to ensure your time is pleasant...and this leads to what is Miss Kim's verse, Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God.  She is a peacemaker...some people are peacemakers...I am not sure what I am.   Maybe one of the Mary's, the one that wanted to sit at Jesus's feet and learn....

The last to speak was Momma Lori, she tied everything together and brought everything full circle.  We are studying the family culture that we all live in and Momma brought it all together.  

2 Timothy 1:5

King James Version (KJV)
When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.

Pastor Lori, talked to us about our family cultures; her's is from around the Pittsburgh area, which is a bit different from this area.  What is your family culture.  Mine is Pennsylvania Dutch (and English) grandmother Minnie, short for Wilhelmina, always said the entire 23 Psalm and the Lord's prayer every night before she went to sleep and she spoke it in Deutsche.  I will have to ask God what bearing this had on my life and get back to you on this.  Pastor Lori's life was completely formed by an amazing family culture....if you want to know more about this well...I guess you will just have to come to Harvest Chapel in Abbotstown, Pa to find this out.

Needless to say I have some very important people in my life and people who are influencing my thoughts and the way that I find myself behaving.  Any of you Ladies of Harvest Chapel out there who may read this, did I just make you feel like...oh boy...better be doing a good job teaching these babies!  Yup!  You all are so influential to us, and I thank God for all of you, and not just you three, but the many more that I will not name..because their are so many of you there.

Time for blessings and for you all to bless.  Talk to you all tomorrow!

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