Tuesday, March 12, 2013

For the Women Only....

Honor and being Honorable Part I

Today I am writing pretty specifically to women....not that you men out their mayn't read this....actually it might be a good idea.  Because if we women are going to honor our husband's it might be a good idea if our husbands are deserving of the honor.

Before we go to far I want to go to the dictionary to see just what Merriam Webster has to say about these two words, and I want to see what the bible says about these two words.

Definition of HONOR. (Part of the list of definitions)

a : good name or public esteem : reputation

: a person of superior standing —now used especially as a title for a holder of high office <if Your Honor please>
: one whose worth brings respect or fame : credit <an honor to the profession
a : a keen sense of ethical conduct : integrity <a man of honor>

As you can see these are the attributes that I am sure we want to see in our husbands.    And sometimes these attributes are there, but they may be hiding under the surface.   

Five Ways to Honor Your Husband 
Based on Romans 12:10, which says we’re to "love each other with brotherly affection and take delight in honoring each other," are you bringing honor to God in the way your treat your husband? Are you delighting in honoring your husband?


I know there are moments, only moments, that something may occur where the old carnal me will raise it's ugly little head and I might feel that I should not be honoring this little behavior in my husband.  But then I realize that it is not something that Tim is or isn't doing, it is my selfish being thinking why do I have to do this, why doesn't he come and help.  I'll tell you what, once I have chastised myself and realize what I have just allowed the devil to put into my brain and ask my Father to forgive these selfish thoughts....guess who comes to help.   It happened just last evening. I was emptying the dishwasher, and I allowed the devil into my brain, mind you it was just a split second, I realized this , and stopped the devil in his tracks, with Gods help, and Tim came out to the kitchen and helped.  It always amazes me how this happens.

My husband is an honorable man.  And I know that there have been times in the previous chapters of my life that I was involved with men that were not honorable.   And needless to say these were not happy or joyful chapters in my life.  It is awesome to me when we are obeying God there is joy in your life.  But beware, if you start to wonder from the Lord, your joy will falter.  The best way for me to explain the way that we treat our husband is to think of him as a king.  Is your husband the king in your household?  This may be a difficult question for some.  Especially if you want to be the queen.  Hmmm.   However if you look at your husband as if you are the queen, but he isn't the king, oh boy, there will be trouble coming your way.  This will not work.  Your husband can not treat you as a queen, if you are not treating him as the king.                                                                                   This past weekend at church Pastor Don spoke of being a son or daughter of our Lord.  We are not servants of Gods, we are children of God, and we are children of God's with a servant's heart.  Meaning that we should be serving our God as his children.  Children are to honor their mother and their father as they honor the Lord.  And we are going to take this to the next step, okay you have grown up and now you have a spouse instead of your parents being with you all the time.  This is who we are to honor.  You still honor your parents, but you are no longer around them as much.  As you are your husband.  Well I a running out of time for this morning and I need to hit the showers and get ready for work.                                       So go and find someone to bless.  Maybe it will be your husband..... 

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