Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bloom Were You are Planted!

Doesn't this look lovely, it is really a shame it doesn't look like this now.  This has been one tough summer.  We here in York Springs, have received a lot of rain this year and it has made it extremely difficult to take care of the yard and lawn and gardens as they should be cared for.  Plus for some reason this summer, it seems as though we have been spread to thin.  And that is not a good thing. 

My husband and I are home bodies; we really like being at home.  We don’t need to go places, to be happy; we truly are a fine example of “bloom were you are planted.”  Just ask our children, these past few months it seems as if all we have been doing is going, going, going!  We do have a new grandbaby so that does account for some, and would we give that up, I think not!

We are also much more active with the church we are attending and boy is that wonderful.  I think that things will settle down a bit as the year draws to a close and that will be nice. 

While I have enjoyed being out and about, I really need to spend a day at home and clean!  Do any of you ever feel this way?

We are also much more active with the church we are attending and boy is that wonderful.  I think that things will settle down a bit as the year draws to a close and that will be nice. 

While I have enjoyed being out and about, I really need to spend a day at home and clean!  Do any of you ever feel this way?

Well I am making a decree, or a promise, that this weekend I am going to go out only for groceries and church and one thing that I am obligated to do on Sunday.
Saturday will be spent with dust-rags, and the sweeper, and the container of Lysol Complete scrubbies. (I love those things, they really work!)  And my house is gonna shine! 

Do you sometimes feel that while the rest of your life may be in order, sometimes you need to boot yourself into action to take care of some of the necessities that you maybe don’t really like to do?  I do!  When I was a child, and my sister can attest to this, we had to clean the house, top and bottom.  I cleaned the upstairs and my sister and mother cleaned the downstairs.  And if you didn’t do something correctly, you did it over again.  As I was growing up my first dad was in the army.  But I’ll tell you what, my Mother was the Sergeant!  She was definitely a task master, and in my estimation not always the kindest task master.  But her job got done, be that as it may, and I now know how to clean.  This is a good thing, because not everyone does.  Do I make cleaning the highest priority, no!  Because sometimes the grandchildren stop by, or I need to go and see one and I am sorry but to me this takes precedence.  I am sure that the dirt won’t go anywhere.  And unfortunately no one will come in and clean it for me.  So that leaves it up to me.

And even though I know it is only Wednesday I do believe I am going to end this in just a moment or two and go do something else for a little bit before I must get ready for work.  So make sure that your priorities are in order and get done the things that need to be gotten done, but remember, if you have children or grandchildren they really are your priority and the cleaning can wait.  They will only stay little for a short time.  So enjoy those moments!

You got it!  Go and be a blessing today!


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