Friday, October 5, 2012

Do You Ever Feel Inadequate and Do You Have Trouble Saying No?

The Old Stone Springhouse

We are told in the Bible to do all things as if we are doing them for the glory of God.  And since we are made in God’s image, we are doing, all things for God, and yes it is that simple.
Do You Ever Feel Inadequate and do you Have Trouble Saying No
It’s okay to feel inadequate on occasion, just don’t make a habit of it!  We as people are unfortunately extremely capable of creating problems for our selves and this is one way that we do it!
We allow it!
How we feel about something, anything is a choice; we can choose to feel a certain way, or a different way.  Anyway we want to about anything, it is or choice and we frequently feel this way when we should have said NO about something, it’s not always tied to this, but it is a lot of the time, it is also related to allowing outside guidance or direction. Instead of going by your own inner spirit.
Yesterday I was in a little discussion with one of my children about the ability to just say NO!  And someone else interjected that she has been working on this for years, and good luck with that!  Well, this is a conscience choice for the interjector.  She is choosing to say yes instead of choosing to say no.
There are some things we have to remember when we choose to say “No” to something or someone.  And I believe that those are things that each individual must figure out for themselves, so I am not giving you my basis for my “No’s.”
When ever we say no to anything we are then looked to for a reason.  Now here is the really fun part, you don’t have to give a reason.  Society, your friends and acquaintances, think that you should, but you really don’t need to.  And frankly it is much better to say no and to not give a reason, than to say no and then give a reason.  Once you give a reason you are inviting a discussion and that is not what you want. 
Are you developing a backbone here or not?
Okay so how do, feelings of inadequacy, and saying no, go together?  Quite simply you have spread yourself to thin!  Example…..
3:00 on Thursday:
1.  Pick up children from school, (mine and Susie’s from down the street, she’s getting her nails done, of course she knew that she had to pick her children up but she made the appointment anyway, she could have done her own nails and picked up her own children)
2.  Get to my children’s afterschool ½ hour lessons.
3. Take Susie’s children home, because mommy needs them there by a certain time, but she didn’t tell you why.
4.Pick up my children from lessons; I could have just stayed there.
5. Go home.
Do you see how numbers three and four could have been eliminated had you just said NO.  And with the price of gas you would have saved some gas and saved some money.
Now I know that this may seem awfully simplified, but do you think that God really wants us to spread ourselves thin?  We are told in the Bible to do all things as if we are doing them for the glory of God.  And since we are made in God’s image we are doing all things for God and yes it is that simple.
So today as you go thru your day, keep yourself and your families needs as a priority, now don’t be selfish, you do want to still be considerate, but remember if what you say yeas to eliminates your ability to do all things well, then you should probably say NO to a couple of those things.  Plus here is a really good part of this whole thing, you will feel a lot more adequate about the jobs you are doing, and especially about yourself!
When we feel good about us, everything around us is better, your spouse is happier, your children are happier everything is just plain better.
Let’s start our day right…Dear heavenly Father, I ask that you will help me to touch someone’s inner spirit today, help me to help others, with the right choice of words.  And by doing this Lord, I know that I will bring glory to you Father, and that is my ultimate goal.  So that I may bring Glory and that you may be glorified in all.  In that way others will look upon us as being in your image, and wanting to know, what makes us so happy and positive and that will give us the opportunity to further your kingdom Lord!  By telling others about Jesus and His precious blood that was shed for our miserable sins.  God you are so good and I thank you in Jesus’ precious name. Amen
You know it…Go be a blessing and try this, you might be surprised.

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