Friday, October 26, 2012


I love you Ruthee!

What kind of legacy do you plan on leaving on this earth? 

How will your children remember you? 

How will your friends remember you? 

How will your electric company remember you? 

How will your church remember you?

Okay you say we are alive and busy we don't have time to think about these things...well make the time...and I am not saying to spend hours and hours on this, I am just saying to spend enough time on this, so that if your life is out of have time to put it back in the proper order. 

Isn't this a great picture...I hope it conveys the silly spirit that my Ruthee can sometimes have.  This is my baby, and I think I have given her a sense of humor, she does have the ability, to mostly, laugh at herself, although not always!  But at least most of the time...Hey Ruth remember the fried Chicken story?  As I sit and type this out I have to giggle at this story, and no I will not be telling it, sorry, but you probably wont find it as funny as it was in the original telling anyway.  But I will tell you another short story that I  you may find humorous...Yesterday, I was ready to walk out the door to go to work at 7:45, I thought I need my phone...where is it?  It is not by my chair...let's see I was in the bathroom...nope not there...I was in the closet...nope not there...I was in the laundry room...nope not there...I was in the kitchen...nope not there....Now I am really feeling frustrated.  I have rechecked my pockets in my pants, for the umpteenth time and it hasn’t miraculously appeared where in the world is it!?!   Well by now it is 7:52 and I have barely enough time to safely, get to work and still no phone...Where in the world did I put that thing down?   Okay, now first of all I have to tell you when I related this story to my husband he laughed, a nice strong belly laugh, and his boss was standing next to him and of course he had to tell his boss what was funny, so I figure I may as well tell you!
A few weeks back a very dear friend of mine had to answer her phone, and she stuck her hand inside the collar of her shirt and pulled out her phone.  She keeps her phone tucked under her bra strap, it is a perfect place to keep our phones ladies, it is so comfortable that you don't even realize it is there...Ha Ha Ha Ha...You got it...that was were my phone was.  When I got to the car I was sitting there totally frustrated and thinking to myself I had better send a text by email to my children and let them know Mom misplaced her phone.  And for who knows what reason I put my hand  up to my shoulder and low and behold there was my phone...I had to laugh at my self because I thought it was you have the ability to laugh at yourself.  Well of course the first thing I did was cal my wonderful husband and relates this to him and you know the end...sometimes the things I do...
In order to have a great sense of humor we have to be able to laugh at ourselves, can you do that?  I am pretty sure that my children will be able to say that about mom.  I on the other hand remember my mom as very stern and she hated messes, Oh, I don't think I know another person who hated messes as much as my mom.  Now to me, a mess is something you clean up and probably laugh about, the mess is already there, so don't sweat it laugh your way to the cupboard and get the paper-towels and clean it up, and thank God (literally) that it's not any worse a mess than it is!  And find the humor in it!
Anyone who knows me, knows that my favorite movie is either Pollyanna or (the original) The Parent Trap, both Disney movies, and both extremely clean, and extremely funny, and sweet, and filled with tender moments. 
The other thing I think my children will remember me for is that they could pretty much call me and I will mostly you listen to your children?  Oh boy I hope they will remember me for this...I know that as they have gotten older there have been occasions were they have called me and I have had to make it short, or I have had to call them back.  I really hate to have to do this, but unfortunately there are times, especially if we work outside of the home, were we have to do this.  It is somewhat difficult to tell your boss, a, could you hold that thought I have to take this call from my child, just incase it’s important...kinda of tough to do this...
Oh boy we haven't gotten very far on the list have we...I guess this will have to be a two or three parter.  And you are so right...go be a blessing!

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