Saturday, October 20, 2012

Gifts From God

We can see God all around us if we just look!
1 Corinthians 12: 4-18 Talks all about gifts, don't you like presents?  I do.
Have you ever considered the gifts that you, as one of God’s children was given?  The gifts that God gave to us are remarkable, and sadly, not used.  We have each been given gifts by God.  However if they are not used what good are they to us or to the rest of the people around us?  In verse 7:  But to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.  In other words, we are each given gifts, but of what use are these gifts, if we don’t use them?

Purple for the King's royal robe, although
He will be wearing  white the next tim we see Him.
 About four or five months ago, my husband and I went to the alter at church for healing for someone else; we were standing in as proxies, for this person.  First of all I should tell you that this is done when the person in need of the healing is far away or can’t get there for what ever the reason.  So we went to the alter, and we received pray for this person, and then we went home and contacted this person and informed them of this pray on their behalf.  My husband noticed that his back wasn’t bothering near as much as it had been.  I mean…Tim would go to bed and sleep for just a few hours and have to get up, pretty much in the middle of the night because his back just hurt that much.  Each day after this healing, God helped Tim’s back to get better and better and better.  Tim is now able to sleep thru the night and get up in the morning and feel alive, rather than tired.
He is all around us!  All the time!
If we, as a people turn to God for all of our needs, instead of turning to the government for answers, as many do,  can you imagine were we would be today…..As far as healing goes we wouldn’t need Obama Care or any other Health insurance for that matter.
“Were ever two or more are gathered in my name, ask and it shall be given unto you,” Jesus said that!  So how pathetic are we….We have all the answers we need if we will but listen and do as God asks us to do.
It is really not that difficult to do.  Like I have told you before, don’t try, just do!
Well as much as I wanted to clean today some other things have come up and I will be doing them instead.  1. A first football game for Trenton. 2. Is a secret.  I am hoping to get some cleaning done between 1 and 2 and 3. Is a healing service tonight at church…I am going to that especially to stand in proxy for my daughter Ruth.  God is so good... and His people said…All the time!
Please go and be a major blessing to someone this day.


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